sometimes, at night, when i'm asleep, i dream about susie. what do i dream about? usually it's about her incredible talents and abilities, and well, you'll see. so read on and learn about the incredibleness of the one and only susie.

sometimes, when i dream about susie, i dream about how awesome of a leader she is. generally she is always ready to make a decision, to direct people traffic, to tell people how she feels. it might not always be what you want to hear, but trust me, susie will let you know. i know that i've been on the (oftentimes negative) receiving end of some of susie's blunt and direct comments... but in all honestly, it's her forthright (that was a big word for michael vick to use!) and charming nature that makes her that much more endearing to me.

other times, when i dream about susie, i dream about how awesome of a person she is. how awesome? one word: indeblue. or indebleu. or however it's spelled. she is able to see people for what they truly are, not the color of their skin or whatever subpar university they happened to attend. she is even so kind of a person that she let her cousin who attended, unfortunately, a lesser university, live in their basement. that says a lot about her character. i'd say something spectacular about her public speaking skills, but in all honesty, i'd be lying because i've never heard her speak publicly. although in my dreams, i dream that she is probably 10x better public speaker than even old abe lincoln.

i also dream about how athletic susie is. if cal ripken were a girl, he definitely would have been a cheerleader in high school. i know susie would like to meet cal ripken... even maybe, you know, get to know him a little better. you don't think they call him the "ironman" just because of his streak do you? even though cal ripken is a crusher of childhood dreams, susie loves him anyway (see susie entry above, regarding quality of character). if susie had decided to play baseball, there is no doubt she would be tearing it up, without steroids, because she is just that incredible. instead, she decided to be a friend, an all-around ridiculously cool person, and a graduate of the university of virginia. and she got out of maryland.

other times, when i dream about susie... well, i'm only a guy, so... sometimes i dream about how sexy she is. like i said, i've slept with susie. and it's already out on the table that anytime we decide to um, be friends, that we could probably take care of that. i even know where she keeps her stash. susie is definitely sexy. with a skin tone surprisingly close to keira knightley (without the sun burn, of course), susie is damn sexy. susie has been known to roam around in my presence in simply her underwear, which, upon reflection, thinking back on my DC days, well, that was pretty exciting. because my roommate now, not as exciting when he wanders around in his underwear.

not only is susie sexy in that keira knightley/modern kind of way, but also in that classicly sexy way. when i dream of susie, i envision marilyn monroe. sexy. classicly sexy. charming, good singing voice, good solid drinker, socialite, bubbly, and sometimes slightly introverted... keeping her secrets. she is a boy-killer, for sure. she aims high, monroe aimed for kennedy, susie got out of maryland so that she could shoot higher... perhaps a well-respected, old money, dc socialite?
top-ten list? pshhhh who needs one? i <3 sus.