Tuesday, November 07, 2006


silly me! i've been boycotting my blog ever since i drunkenly accosted connor to link up my blog from his.

i've been sulking for days as i was certain that indeed, connor had forgotten to link me and as such had defaulted on his promise.

how did this make me feel? sad. very sad. i have always trusted connor, and the lack of linkage, in the blink of an eye, completely shattered it. i was really shattered and torn, and was really not sure how i would get out of bed in the morning. i drank bourbon. heavily.

then, while surfing the internet and cursing connor, i came across connor's blog, and alas, i had been linked. several days ago. i feel like an idiot. thanks connor. i'll still be drinking bourbon heavily, however. you can even have some if you want. and it was in clarendon. not the corner.

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