Saturday, June 09, 2007

move in day!

wow, talk about deja vu! it is certainly strange being back in the dorm again after 6 years. it's still exactly the same as i remember it... hot as hell (regardless of the month of the year), the bathrooms still grungy, the floors still sticky, and the carpet still stained.

but, i'm here nonetheless. the campers don't start arriving until tomorrow around lunchtime, so i've got a little bit of free time tonight to get settled in. unfortunately, settling in doesn't mean on first-left. despite saying i'd fight for it, one of the UVa assistants has lived on that hall at swim camp for the 7 years. yah, i was SOL.

so instead, i lucked out and got a room in the basement! it's only about 30 degrees cooler down here, so definitely no complaints on this end.

it's funny to think about how much my life has changed in the 6 years since i've lived here. i guess 6 years is a long time, but it doesn't really feel like it's been that many years. but basically, my life as i know it now began six years ago in this dorm. what have i done since then? well, been in love (twice?), broken hearts, gotten my heart broken, had more money than i knew what to do with, made the best friends i'll ever have, drank way too much, learned a lot of important life lessons, rushed a fraternity, pledged a fraternity, depledged a fraternity, and then re-rushed/pledged a completely different one, totaled a car, bought the car of my dreams, graduated from college, drank more, moved to nebraska, moved back from nebraska, taught 5th grade, found the job i really love. phew, that's a lot. and that's really only the tip of the iceberg, even as far as highlights go.

so, at any rate... i feel like i'm in charlottesville so i need to get out of the dorm room and go out and, well, be in charlottesville.

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