Wednesday, January 31, 2007

so, maybe i lied

i know i said that i would post about how much i hate duke. well, i lied. i decided that i duke didn't even deserve the face time on my blog. so what am i going to write about instead? well...

how incredible Virginia is, of course.

i got an e-mail today with a link to the first ever edition of the cavalier daily. the date? september 1967. here are a few of my favorite excerpts from the various articles.

"The unhurried outlook seems to be one thing; the University itself is another, as charged with energy beneath as its reactor. At last it is becoming what Mr. Jefferson wanted it to be-the capstone of the state's system of education, a wellspring of diversified learning and the source of stimulating intellectual inquiry...

But behind all the latter day vitality, pervading it as mint does a julep, is the Jeffersonian tradition, and definitions of what that is depends on to whom you are talking, and when. On the one hand it is the student honor system; on the other, as someone has put it, "the God-given right to go to hell in your own way." It is abstract and material-the faculty's jealous guardianship of its academic and intellectual freedom, and the buildings which constitute Mr. Jefferson's physical legacy..."

"Students here no longer have cocktails before dinner each evening, as once they did, and the old practice of tipping hats to professors has disappeared (probably because students no longer wear hats): but at the University, the tradition of wearing a coat and tie whenever one goes out still prevails.

It is not a tradition set by any ruling on the part of the University; instead, it is based upon the assumption that the University man has maturity enough and sufficient pride in his personal appearance that he would want to appear presentable to the outsider, as well as to his fellow classmates."

"It will start out with an introduction to new friends in the dorm and very soon you, your friends & dates will be walking down Rugby Road to fraternity parties. Rugby of the most interesting by-ways around-a strange combination of fraternity houses, none of which look the same testifying to their guarded right to individuality. Rugby Road... clothed in bright leaves in fall, blanketed by gleaming snow in winter, fresh and spontaneous in the spring and crowned with a red, yellow and green stop light."

only excerpts from many articles worth a look. check it out.

and hey duke, enjoy the beating tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I expect an update about last night's brilliant victory.

Your readers demand it! So it has been said, and so it shall be done.