Saturday, August 18, 2007

for me? really?

indeed, my new team is throwing a meet and greet bbq tonight from 6-9. should be good times. i went out and bought a bottle of wine to give to the hostess... i need to remember to be on my best virginia gentlemanly behavior with all of these southern mothers around.

speaking of virginia gentleman... i wonder if you can get their top shelf here in NC... hmmm? you definitely can't get any virginia wines, at least not at the grocery store where i was.

i actually did sit on the beach yesterday and worked up the remainder my vague season/cycle plan. i even worked up a couple practices to kind of run with the first few days. i'm going to try something new and different at the beginning of this year. what, you ask? i'll keep you posted. let's just say i'm going to model it after the dave leitao school of practice.

i went boating on tuesday, also. we tried to tube without a tube, using only the throw floaty thing and a rope. it didn't work, and actually we just ended up getting a lot of saltwater up our noses. and a nasty rope-burn. we've got more boating lined up for next tuesday. deep-sea fishing is, i believe, on the agenda. i've never done it so it should be a good time! yay beach!

rachel wins the award for the first person to send me mail at my new address! thanks, rachie. the next award up for the taking is who will be the first visitor... will it be you?

and in virginia news, we got 7 pre-season votes in the AP football poll. i'm pretty surprised. the reports out of training camp (at least the ones on virginiasports) seem to be overwhelmingly positive... so maybe there's some hope after all. most people think that if coach groh has another mediocre season, he'll hang around for another year. let's hope that he has a great season and we don't have to even ponder the point.

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