Saturday, August 11, 2007

only kidding!

whew, finally all settled. in the end, i AM moving to north carolina. things didn't quite go so well with my old team... i was actually lied to and then insulted. but it's cool... their loss. besides, i don't want to dwell on the bullshit.

so, i took the new job. i'm absolutely pumped. it's a step up the ladder and for good money.

after getting back from coaching another swim camp very far away yesterday, i had today and yesterday to pack and get moved. i successfully packed today, so by the time i get the truck loaded up tomorrow, i should hopefully be able to get on the road tomorrow afternoon.

i got one of those sweeet trailer things to drag my car behind the moving truck. i'm pretty excited. that and i got my car detailed today. it really puts me more at inner-peace or something. it's hard to explain... like a weight has been lifted. don't ask. i love that car.

so yah, the new job is at the beach! i've finally made it. it took me some time, but i've figured out how to get there and do a job i love and make enough money to live. all around, it's a success.

on the other hand, i'll miss my friends here like woah. i was over at rachies/susies/naris tonight and i won't lie it was way sad. and maybe andy will eventually answer my text messages and get by here before i leave... we'll see. i'll miss you guys :(


susie said...

i am soooo sad you are leaving! you can take comfort in the fact that i will still wake you at 3 am for phone calls with the scary christian's laugh!!

doug said...

sweeeet i can't wait! heh heh heh.

Unknown said...

i was too busy dying. probably because my body knew you were leaving.