Tuesday, August 21, 2007

playa, please!

it's been a fun weekend/week so far. this is definitely a fun town. last night we took this yacht out and had a good time with a couple of folks. the thing is incredible. 63' is a big-ass yacht.

work is going well, i've met just about everybody on staff at this point, minus one or two who are out on vacation. we start new swimmer orientation tomorrow night, so i'll finally be getting back on deck! it's been a while... even though i coached swim camps all summer, it's not the same as having your own group and getting into it.

office! we've moved into it. i don't have a desk yet, it's supposed to be delivered on friday. or a chair. which is also getting delivered. so in the mean time, i've got my virginia fold-up chair to use. awesome. the office isn't much, but it's really nice to have a place to get up and have a destination. that and all of my swimming/workout stuff can live in one spot. i've amassed somewhat of a collection of swimming stuff... from books to old workouts to just... stuff. and it's nice to have it out of my room.

hmm, what else? i think that just about does it. i've got a sweet new work e-mail that if you want to have, let me know.

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