Wednesday, September 20, 2006


ok, so i read this today in the washington post.

only 60 credits/8 semesters = 7.5 credits per semester.

i would have never even made it out alive. it's sad people don't use college for what it really is: the only 4 years in your life when you have zero responsibility and you can drink as much as you want.

a quote from the article, 'And the most important thing he learned in college, he said, "is to value the people you spend time with, your friends."' ... how did you do that? you only spent a year and you took 60 credits. did you have any free time?

i'm tempted to be an asshole and say that this guy just really sucks... but i suppose he just doesn't get it. i might not have graduated in 1 year and be an incredible genius, but i sure as hell have the best friends anybody could have asked for - and those, i did not get by sitting in a classroom taking 25 credits.

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