Thursday, October 05, 2006

$75 parking ticket?

i take a night class at george mason during the week. i'm very slowly working towards my masters degree.

parking permits, for the semester, are $100. that's seriously a lot of money to park for one day a week. so what have i been doing? attempting to park in the permit lot without a permit, of course. sure, i could park in the parking garage, but the traffic getting out of there after class is absolutely miserable. i have to be in tysons corner for work at 730, and class gets out at 710. so, if i park in the farthest farthest away permit lot (trust me, it's far), i can run out to my car, beat all the traffic and be at the pool somewhat on-time.

well, last week i got a parking ticket. not surprisingly, but after 3 weeks of getting away with it, i figured i'd be good to go.

it was $75. if i remember correctly, our parking tickets at UVA went something like this... your first violation? warning ticket. yup, you got one per calendar year. after that, a ticket would cost you (depending on the severity...) something like $15 or $20. and they were $50 for repeat offenders. to get a $75 ticket you pretty much had to be parked in casteen's driveway...

i appealed the ticket. the grounds? i'm too poor to buy a permit. i mean seriously, all they had to do was look at my car (the acura!) and see that i clearly couldn't afford a parking permit. what did i say? i said that i work construction to be able to afford to go to class and buy books (true). i also said that i thought $100 was outrageous just to park one day a week (also true).

i'll let you know whether or not i get the ticket thrown out. i figured it was a little ridiculous to say that i was too poor to buy one, but it was true, so i figured why the hell not try...

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