Sunday, October 15, 2006

perils of being a swim coach...

coaching swimming is incredible. i love it. i honestly can't believe that i get paid to do it. however, there is one downfall... swim meets in the fall. why? well, because they force me to miss football. not just uva games on saturdays, but skins games on sundays as well.

i know, maybe it's just a small price to pay for doing something i truly enjoy, but it definitely disappoints me every time i look at the meet schedule and see that i'll be missing another game or two.

the bright side of this? well, fortunately, i didn't get to watch the redskins game last week (the terrible, terrible loss to the giants) and i also didn't get to watch (...or listen to) the uva/maryland debacle. so, i guess all in all, i'm able to avoid the frustration and disappointment of actually sitting through the miserableness that are my football teams.

on a lighter note, i hope i see some kid wearing this costume on halloween. hilarious.

thank you, reddit.

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