Friday, October 06, 2006

article 20? hell yeah

as a student who was greek, we had to sit through many lectures and speakers about topics ranging from alcohol abuse to rape. it was an attempt to educate members of fraternities and sororities about the dangers that exist in a collegiate alcohol induced haze type of environment. and the punishment for not sitting through them? well, social probation, of course. you better believe everybody was there.

oftentimes, these speakers were interesting and informative. and sometimes, they were just downright uncomfortable.

one of the speakers we had actually gave out the forms you'll see in this video. we all got a good laugh out of them as they were passed around and so it brought back old memories when i saw this link this morning. check it out, it's hilarious. and the girl is pretty hot.

ahhh college.

thanks to reddit for the link

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