Sunday, October 15, 2006

weekend of broken hearts

well, if you remember the rules i set forth several weeks ago in terms of having a good weekend, this weekend was, well, disappointing.

the skins dropped a 14-3 lead to the then-winless titans. ugly.

the hoos dropped a 20-0 lead to the hated couch-burning maryland terrapins. very ugly.

at least vpisu lost big time on thursday night. on national tv. to a national audience. to boston college. lost. badly. ugly, in a good way.

as somebody said to me tonight, it was definitely a weekend of broken hearts.

i also watched almost heaven tonight on hbo. while being incredibly predictable, it did have highlights... like reese witherspoon. and that guy from napoleon dynamite. but come on, who gardens in a cashmere sweater? the movie broke my heart because reese is really hot. and i have no shot. ever.

my obsession, no wait, addiction to text messaging has been taken to the limit the last couple of months. this morning, i finally decided to fight back. i know, i know, sending and receiving almost 900 text messages over your limit is somewhat incredible, but hey... i don't speak directly with anybody anymore. i'm hip. or maybe european? aren't those two things independent of each other? anyway, i got charged an extra $91.38 for texting this month on my (already high) cell phone bill. $91.38? that's like a pack of cigarettes or a mocha frappucino everyday... that's an expensive addiction.

so, i called verizon this morning and, when asked what i was calling for, i told the kind lady that i figured that upgrading to the next highest text messaging package (i was already at 500 texts/month) was probably much cheaper than the $91.38 i would be paying. indeed, i was right. an extra $5/month was all it would take to cover my dirty habit. i told her that was fantastic and to go ahead and sign me up.

then, i built up the courage and asked if she could apply that discount to this month's bill. i kindly pleaded that a large corporation like verizon wouldn't even notice the additional $72.40 on their bottom line, and that i had been a loyal customer for many (5+) years. after haggling for a few minutes... actually, no, she said as a "courtesy" she would be more than happy to do that for me. i didn't have to plead. but trust me, i had it ready. i wonder how many "courtesies" you get?

so boom, it was done. i made $72.40 today. on a sunday. that's pretty good - and i guess the only person's heart that broke was ivan seidenberg. he'll get over it. after all, it's just money, and certainly not as important as a football loss.

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