Sunday, January 14, 2007

today's post is brought to you by the letter "N"

i have a habit, in case you haven't noticed, or maybe it's a policy... either way, of not mentioning people by name in my blog. at least full name. andy gets a mention every now and then, jeff (whose eagles lost last night!!) has gotten one or two, charlie of course gets the nod from time to time. but, for the most part, i usually don't mention names or simply use their initials.

but today's post is all about N. what can i say about N that could possibly be detrimental? well, pretty much nothing. N is awesome. ten things to further prove my point...

  1. N loves driving to charlottesville. strange, but true. even when other people will, and have, might i add, quite graciously offered to chauffeur, N is always ready to hop behind the wheel.
  2. N is quite possibly the fastest facebook-picture-tagging you putter-upper that i have ever known. N might actually be the fastest of all-time.
  3. a corollary to number 1, N won't take gas money. N loves driving to charlottesville so much, that not even the ever-rising cost of gasoline can discourage her. N won't even take donations to help offset the cost. that is incredible.
  4. and don't you even think about buying N a shot. not going to happen. if you do manage to pull it off... the mysterious $20 bill you found in your shoe? that was from N.
  5. N is so awesome that she can make friends with anybody. and her conversational skills? fantastic. case in point: one time, N met a random person in a bar bathroom. who actually meets people in a bar bathroom? well, only people as fantastic as N. but N is so awesome, the greeting was followed by a 30-minute conversation about denim. yup, denim.
  6. N is the only sk of importance. fact.
  7. N is so ridiculously incredible that, yah, you guessed it, that's N on not in the tacky naked way, but in the classy way that only a few incredible people can be found on
  8. N lives by the mantra that, "you only live once."
  9. N is a fantastic flip-cup/beer pong partner. in fact, i don't think i've ever lost a game of either when N was my teammate. even against younger, in better drinking shape competition, N is always a quality anchor.
  10. N, unlike other people i know, takes full shots for the full 60 minutes of a power hour. even in old(er) age, N can still pummel a power hour. what if N is doing laundry you ask? you better believe that shot glass and can of coors light makes the trip to make sure that annoying robe is finally dry.
i could go on, but i think you get my point. feel free to add your own awesome thoughts about N... because a list of only 10? let's be honest, that's just scratching the surface.

5 days until charlottesville.


Anonymous said...

11. N always makes sure everyone is informed about upcoming happy hours and events. So, every time I get an email from N about something coming up, I feel touched and included.

12. N has good handwriting.

Anonymous said...

13. N loves polar bears. And apparently through finding out the hard way...N is not strict on evite responses.

Anonymous said...

14. N has nice lips.

Anonymous said...

ok so a few "problems" with these comments about "N"...

#4...i have bought N several drinks before. yet...i never did mysteriously find $20 in my shoe. I think N owes me quite a few shots now. can't guarantee N won't pose for playboy. not to say it won't be classy. playboy usually does very tasteful photography.

#9...i beat N in beer pong. I was wearing a full polar bear costume while beating her too.

#14...they aren't nice...they are incredible.